Thrive Bend

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Hello blog world! Yikes it's been forever!

I humbly admit that life with an infant is far from a break. I pictured this time of bonding to be so relaxed. I envisioned getting us fully settled into our house, it would always be clean, meal prep would be a breeze, I'd expand my business, the list goes on and on. whoops! silly me. Life with an infant is a lot of things except leaving much space for anything other than that little bundle of joy :) 

While I was pregnant I made a comment to my sister (her baby was 2 months at the time) that she had become more neurotic and was running late frequently. Adam mentioned that I likely will be eating my words in five months. Oh my he was right!! Sara, I publicly apologize! On top of that I only wish I was as adaptive and easy going as you are with Miss Soph! My hat goes off to all parents! I promise to never minimize the wonderful, stimulating, exhausting role that is parenthood! 

So many people try to tell you, prep you before and in the early stages that you will be exhausted, your house won't be as organized, you will need help from others and your whole perception of the world will change. They are right. In fact, every cliche I have heard about being a parent rings true. I stare at my baby and it feels like my heart could literally explode with so much love. 

Speaking of being late- I did not write my mini goal blog post in March- I have continued to stay connected to my intentions as life takes twists and turns. I was certain during this time I would be rocking the blog, studying for an exam, marketing- all in between baby snuggles. Woah hello reality check- instead here is what I have been rocking-

Becoming very scrappy! An element of parenthood I was not expecting! When your baby needs something you find a way to get it! I have shocked myself at the places I have found to feed him and change his diaper. Not to mention the amount one can suddenly juggle- the car seat and bags- there is some extra human strength and instinct that truly comes with the baby that enables you to provide whatever it is that little one needs, all while running on a blink of sleep! 

Thank you appliances! Who knew the sound of a dryer would put my sweet baby into a blissful slumber?! The white noise machine sheep, that I did not want to use, is now such a staple in our home that sweet sheep has endearingly been named Florence. So many abstract elements of my home and the outdoors that bring my little love peace. 

Flexibility! I love structure and thrive on getting things done. Eerrck!!!!! That came to a screeching halt! Not to mention the second you think there is some semblance of a routine, it changes. Infact, everything changes all the time! My little dude is certainly teaching me to be fluid, a trait I have always strived to acquire. 

Embracing the moment. I can see this little guy change before my eyes and want to be present for every coo, wiggle, cry, smile. I do not want to miss one piece of this journey. I blink and he is evolving in one way or another. I miss him when he is in the back seat and so enjoy every second with him. 

Humor! Sleep deprivation can make everything  more hilarious or more devastating than it is. I've responded both ways in the last five weeks, however try so hard to choose 'more hilarious' when I can :) 

We laugh all the time! We were out at a trivia event over the weekend and Camden was strapped to my chest asleep. Since we had come in from outside I took his hat off and he made the silliest squeek. Adam and I both laughed at the tiny, squeaky sound and then looked at eachother and laughed that we were laughing at his sound effects. 

I did not know it was possible to love this big even when it's a 3am diaper change that leads to us both to needing a wardrobe change. 

It has been such a joy to evolve on this journey with Camden and Adam. It's truly hard to picture life before this little love entered the world. I know I left Maple off. That was not an oversight. She is not yet even close to accepting Camden into our family :) we all still have a lot to learn about being a baby human and mom. I love the stories that family, friends and strangers share about their experience into motherhood. I learn so much from all of you!