Thrive Bend

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'Tis the season of a whirlwind of emotions! 

I love the holiday season! There is nothing that fuels me more than family/friend time and gathering to celebrate love. The louder the house the better! 

Adam commented that our garage (truth be told the whole house) was a mess and followed it with, "that's a sign that we've been having a lot of fun!" The skis, the sleds, the strollers, the snowshoes are all scattered about because we have been living fully!

We woke up this morning, the fresh start of 2016, without a plan. Without a group of people slated to arrive or an activity to look forward to. Helloooooo post holiday blues!!! 

My theme for 2016 is going to be acceptance. We often go after a "better version" in the new year. I'm all for self evolution and working to maximize our potential. 

How in the state of creation can we pause to find what already is good enough? What lens can we use in this new year to see what is already in tact? I want to seek clarity to see the beauty in what currently exists. This year for me is about making space to be. As I am, as we are, as the circumstances are. 


This does not mean it's time to kick back into autopilot mode. I will be deliberate. More intentional to find gratitude in everyday moments. Acceptance requires more clarity and less escaping. I am going to be present. I will ride the waves of life with an open heart and clear eyes. 

I will accept the simple pleasures. As much as I love the commotion- I will be with the stillness, the quite and the realness. I will connect with the meaning of everyday moments. Because we are enough. Just as we are. 

Happy New Year, friends!